Channel: GetsetflySCIENCE
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: chemistryradioactivejapanscientificgetsetflyfactgermanyworld war 3getsetflysciencealbert einsteinresearchnuclear radiationsunderground bunkersrussiawhat is safe to eat in nuclear warfalloutsciencephysicsukraineoppenheimerhiroshima nagasaki
Description: Hello Getsetfliers have you thought what would be the consequences if Ukraine or some other country decides to attack Russia, which holds 50% of the world's nukes?? What else, Nuclear War! But, what do you think the survivors of this horrifying situation do to eat and survive? Because, the bombings in Hiroshima-Nagasaki that occurred decades ago, still has repercussions. Well to kick start things, it would already be a health hazard to inhale the air laced with radioactive particles. So how would people eat? Wouldn't the food be poisoned? So will the surviving population that did doge the nuclear bomb eventually succumb to hunger?? To know the answers to all these questions, you'll have to watch the video till the end! FOLLOW me on: Instagram (Channel account) → Facebook Page →